
Giveaway!! (200 Followers!!! + I am now on social media!! + 100th Post!!)

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Woop Woop! I have 200 followers!!! Thanks to everyone who is following me!! This has been so much fun!!!

Also, I created an Instagram and twitter for my Blog!

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Previously when following other blogs and entering giveaways I was using my personal accounts and I started following lots of new people.  While I love looking at everyone’s posts, I started to miss my sister’s posts about my niece, and that was making me sad.  So I have created a second account where I can look at all my favorite blogs and I am going to keep my personal account personal.  So if I unfollow you with my personal account don’t be offended, I will add you on my blog’s account!  Check me out:

Twitter: @Tolerable1813

Instagram: PerfectlyTolerable1813


Fitting for the celebration, (and completely coincidental) this is also my 100th post!

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Now for the exciting part!!! The Giveaway! $20 Amazon Gift Card.

Open to anyone who can receive and use an electronic amazon gift card.  I will contact the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond, otherwise I will pick a new winner.  I will validate the winning entry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I can’t figure out how to get the widget to display? Does anyone know how to fix that?

67 thoughts on “Giveaway!! (200 Followers!!! + I am now on social media!! + 100th Post!!)

  1. Congratulations!! This is awesome. Following you on twitter.

    I love the idea of Rafflecopter, but it doesn’t work well with WordPress. At least, the free version and low tiers of WordPress. If I remember correctly (it’s been about 7 or 8 months) – you have to pay for the most expensive option of WordPress to be able to embed Rafflecopter in your posts. At least, that is the conclusion I came to when I researched for my giveaways. Which is a bummer. I have a Facebook page and I run it through there as well as putting the link on my blog when I do Rafflecopter.


    1. Thanks!! 😀

      And that really sucks 😦 When googling it I came across one post that said the same thing, but there were so many others that just had instructions that I was hoping it was user error and not that you had to pay for it 😦 Thanks for letting me know!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I kept hoping the same thing. Because I see Rafflecopter posts embedded ALL THE TIME. I guess they are paying the $$$? Someone PLEASE correct me if I’m wrong. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats!! And my fav movie adaption is probably the Notebook (much better than the book if you ask me) and I really love the first two Harry Potter movies in comparison with their book counterparts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations!!! And I love your choices of quotes. I can’t figure out how to sign up to receive your updates. I don’t see a box or a place to do that, your help appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats!🎉

    So I really love all of Nicholas Sparks movies! They all are so good. So are the books. I loved The Great Gatsby too but haven’t read the book yet! But I plan to.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. this is so amazing and i’m just so happy for you and akjhdskaldjsaljd ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    my favorite movie adaptation of a book is probably The Godfather, even though i've never read the novel I just love the movie soooo much. SONNY DESERVED BETTER.

    Liked by 1 person

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