
Top Ten Tuesday – Longest Books


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week you get to brag about the longest books you’ve ever read! This can be by page number, by hours and minutes in the audiobook, by days/weeks/months it took you to read it, etc. You choose how you measure “long”

10) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

734 Pages


9) Brisingr

748 Pages


8) Breaking Dawn

756 Pages


7) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

759 Pages


6) A Clash of Kings

784 Pages


5) A Game of Thrones

848 Pages


4) Inheritance

849 Pages


3) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

870 Pages


2) A Feast for Crows

1,061 Pages


1) A Storm of Swords

1,177 Pages


Total Pages: 8,586

Surprisingly all but one of these books falls into one of these three series:

  • Harry Potter
  • The Inheritance Cycle
  • A Song of Ice and Fire

Honorable Mention: The Lord of the Rings

Today I learned that Tolkien considered The Lord of the Rings to be one book.  If I had read it as one book, LOTR would be the longest book I have read, but I read it as three separate books. Therefore, instead of being on the actual list, it just gets an honorable mention.

1,216 Pages


What is the longest book you have read? Have you read the same ones I have?  Let me know!!

48 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Longest Books

  1. I think Martin’s like half my list too haha! And I like how you totaled up the pages at the end- I never thought of that. Now I might have to go back and add ’em up. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how many people have Harry Potter and Game of Thrones as their largest books! I’ve also read The Inheritance Cycle, so Breaking Dawn is the only book on this list I *haven’t* read. That’s a first for me! Typically I haven’t read any of the books on these lists! XD

    The longest books I’ve read are the Marvel Wizard of Oz Ombinus at 1,080 pages and the Wheel of Time books, many coming in around 1,000 pages. So worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m the same way! I have rarely read the books on everyone else’s lists haha thats one of the reasons I was excited for this prompt! tho I haven’t read either of those too books 😂😂 So I am right where I normally am 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m with you on Game of Thrones and Harry Potter!! WOAH those GoT books are so long though 😂😂the Dance with Dragons felt like it took 500 years to read haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Journal was supposed to be the featured image for this this post:


      I am not sure why it was showing up as the featured image for TTT. (Tho I saw it too so it must be a wordpress glitch, but it seems to be fixed now?)

      I watched the movie for Gone with the Wind a long time ago and I thought it was super long and old and I never really had any interest in the book after that.

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