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Top 5 Wednesday – Characters I’ve Cosplayed

I saw this tag over at Brin’s Book Blog.  The meme was created by Lainey @GingerReadsLainey on Youtube and is now hosted by Sam @ThoughtsOnTomes. And you can join the Goodreads group HERE

The topic is technically “Characters I would cosplay” but I am going to do “Characters I have cosplayed” because it is Halloween and I love any chance I can get to show off my past costumes!!!

Here are my Halloween costumes that are actually a character and not just a generic costume.  (Halloween costumes totally count as cosplay!)

1992 – Minnie Mouse


2011 – Indiana Jones


2012 – Thing 1 and Thing 2


2013 – Batman and Captain America


2015 – Mario, Luigi, and Wario


2016 – Harley Quinn


2018 – Han Solo


Okay, I know that is 7 costumes, not 5, but those are the only times I have had character costumes and I wanted to include them all!

Which one is your favorite?  I can’t decide between Thing 2, Luigi, Harley, or Han!

Happy Halloween! What did you dress up this year?  What is the the best costume/cosplay you have ever done?

21 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday – Characters I’ve Cosplayed

  1. Love all your costumes! I can’t decide either because they’re all creative ideas. 😂
    Your Minnie Mouse costume is so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was a black cat like 4 times as a kid and a lion twice 😂😂 I was fairly unimaginative too! And we had a ton of fun with the Mario/Luigi/Wario costumes!! I had the Mario theme song playing on my phone as we walked around the office all day haha 😂 And you are never to old to dress up!! You just need to have a party or go to one so that you can show off 😉


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