Books · Tags

The Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag (2019)

Did you know that July 2nd is the exact middle of the year (on non-leap years)?  There are exactly 182 days before it and exactly 182 days after it.

Try not to freak out – but today is the mid point in 2019!

There are a lot of different Mid Year Freak Out Book Tags going around so I am going to use the same format as I did last year.  Also I am going to steal Amber’s idea and include my 2018 answers.

Total Books read so far in 2019


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2018’s Answer: 33

The best book you’ve read so far in 2019

This is a toss up between The Princess and The Fangirl and Second Hand Curses.  They are both amazing in different ways!

2018’s Answer: Heartstone and The Fire’s Stone

The best sequel you’ve read so far in 2019


  • Our Dark Duet
  • Umbrella Academy: Dallas
  • The Princess and the Fangirl
  • Changeless/Blameless/Heartless/Timeless
  • The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy
  • Dragon Shadow
  • The Wicked King

My Choice: The Princess and the Fangirl


2018’s Answer: Godsgrave

A new release you haven’t read yet but really want to

Oh man! There are sooooooo many.  But the first one that comes to mind is Courting Darkness

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2018’s Answer: Spinning Silver

Most anticipated release for the second half of the year

I did a whole post on this! But if I must choose one it is probably The Girl the Sea Gave Back only because it is the only stand alone (kind of) book on the list and I still need to re-read all the other series!

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2018’s Answer: Heroine’s Journey

Your biggest disappointment

We Are Legion – My friend loves this book and suggested I listen to it on audiobook and I really wanted to like it but I just couldn’t.


2018’s Answer: The Viking’s Chosen

Your biggest surprise

I had no desire to read The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue but I really wanted to read The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, but I can’t read the 2nd book in a series without reading the 1st! So I read The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and absolutely loved it!


2018’s Answer: The Fire’s Stone

Favorite new to you author

Gail Carriger! I even got to meet her at DPCC


2018’s Answer: Jay Kristoff and Tricia Levenseller

New fictional crush

Ethan from The Princess and the Fangirl


2018’s Answer: Riden (Daughter of the Pirate King), Holgren (The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble’s Braids), Alastair (Heartstone), and Fiske (Sky in the Deep)

New favorite character

Crowley from Good Omens

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2018’s Answer: All of Them

Book that made you cry

Honestly I cry all the time while I read so I don’t even remember which books I cried during and which I didn’t.  But most recently I know I cried while reading The Wife.

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2018’s Answer: Sky in the Deep

A book that made you happy

I know I have chosen this one a bunch already but it really is a great book ❤ (And it is fitting with my 2018 answer!)


2018’s Answer: Geekerella

Favorite book to movie adaption that you’ve seen this year

Good Omens!!

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Honorable Mention: The Umbrella Academy


2018’s Answer: Love, Simon

Favorite post you’ve written this year

I didn’t have any favorites that immediately came to mind, but after looking through my posts, I really liked my post about Selkies

2018’s Answer: Amazon’s “100 Books to Read in a Lifetime” Tag

The most beautiful book you’ve bought read this year

Like last year, I am going to choose the most beautiful book I have read, because I have bought a lot of books and don’t keep track of them.

I don’t know why but I love the cover of The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy!

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2018’s Answer: The Wendy

What books do you need to read by the end of the year

I am all caught up on my NetGalley reading! (though I still have to write the review for one of them) so I don’t *NEED* to read any books.  There are a million I want to read, but none I have to.

2018’s Answer: A Pirate at Pembroke

I can’t believe that this year is halfway over! But I am right on track with my Goodreads reading goal.  I am behind on both my re-tellings challenge and my audiobooks challenge, but I should be able to get caught up on those!

How is your year going so far? Did you pick the same books for any of the questions above? What is your favorite read so far in 2019? Let me know!



25 thoughts on “The Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag (2019)

  1. Loved reading your answers! Picking just one is so hard, but some that come to mind are truthwitch, do you dream of terra two, last magician and crown of feathers!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. I just read Geekerella this year (loved it!) and so I an really excited to read The Princess and the Fangirl!

    It’s really crazy that the year is half over already. Just crazy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I liked The Princess and The Fangirl better than Geekerella (but just barely) ❤ They are both really good! I hope you love it.

      And I can't believe it either, it feels like the year just started. I still wrote 2018 the other day!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. ahhhh I feel the same way about Lady’s guide. I really have no desire to read A Gentleman’s Guide but now I feel like it might not be so bad? I guess I’ll find out eventually :]

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I love how much you love The Princess and the Fangirl! XD I’m glad I’m not the only one “obsessed” with these modern fairy tale retellings.

    Awesome answers! This was fun to read. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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