Books · Personal

July Wrap Up & August Plans


Books Read:

Disclaimer: All Amazon Links are affiliate links. If you purchase anything through one of my links I will get a small commission! All the thoughts and opinions in this post are mine and in no way influenced by Amazon.

I don’t re-read books very often but this month 4 of the 7 books I read were re-reads.  Also, with the exception of Rat Queens, I read the first two books in each respective series.





  • My dad retired! I’m so proud of him and I love him so much!!
  • I got a new phone! An iPhone 8 plus! I also switched to my own plan (I was still on my parents plan before) so I feel like an adult 😀 I spent 4 hours across 3 different visits to the Sprint store and another hour on the phone with Sprint.  It was a mess, but I got to keep my number and everything seems to be right now! (Knock on wood)
  • I got to see some fireworks on the 4th of July and my dog is unaffected by the noise which is good!
  • 7/11 was free slurpee day!


Currently Reading:

The first two are buddy reads! I am reading A Conjuring of Light with Leslie @ Books are the New Black and we will be finishing up today! I am reading Heroine’s Journey with my friend Phil and we just finished chapter 20 of 25 so hopefully we finish in the next day or two!

Randomly, I noticed that all three of these are the 3rd book in the series.

Tentative TBR:


  • David’s Birthday is coming up later this week and I still don’t know what to get him for his birthday.
  • My Grandma is coming into town towards the end of the month and I am excited to see her!

How has your July? Did you read a lot of books? Do you have any big plans for August? Lets Chat!

19 thoughts on “July Wrap Up & August Plans

    1. I very rarely do re-reads unless its when a new installment of a series comes out! So its super unusual for me to do so many! Congrats on the TBR read! And that is so exciting! I hope you love it! I love OwlCrate!!


  1. August is going to be me trying to read as many library books as I can! I go back to college at the end of the month and my college town is suuuuper small and there isn’t a library other than the campus one, so I need to hoard all the books I own for the school year. This month is the last time I’ll have some variety until Christmas break

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like a great plan! Tho that stinks that your college town doesn’t have a good library! Does your library have an e-book system? maybe you can do that while you are in college? Even if you don’t have an e-reader you should be able to read them on your computer or phone! Good luck at school!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! I actually just downloaded Overdrive before coming home for summer break, so I’m excited to actually try it out when I’m away at school! I’m hoping to get a library card to some random library in my college’s state too, since it’s a different catalog from my hometown and I might have more book selection on there!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sweet 🙂 I hope it all works out for you!

        I am actually a member of two libraries. My parents house was right in between the two but they were different library districts so they weren’t connected at all. I could find almost any book I wanted between the two!


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