Books · Tags

Sunshine Blogger Award (XIII, XIV, and XV)

Once again I have fallen behind on tags.  I don’t know where the time goes!!  My desk calendar still says May 20th so obviously I’m not ready for it to be 2020!


I have three Sunshine Blogger tags to do today!! The Sunshine Blogger award is one of my favorites because the questions always change and its always fun to do!!


I was tagged by Nen and Jen @ Nen & Jen and twice by Dini @ Dini Panda Reads.  I love all three of these bloggers and they have two of my favorite blogs so please go check them out!!

What is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog.

Dini’s Questions (Part I)

1) What is your favorite book genre?


2) What book do you wish would be made into a TV series/movie?

Hmmm well, Pride and Prejudice is already a movie and a TV series, so I will have to go with Uprooted.  But only if it is done right!!


3) You need to escape your house (for some reason) and can only bring 3 books in your bag. What books would you take?

Is my house going to be ok? Are we talking about the 3 books I would want to read? Or my 3 most sentimental books?  If the later I would probably take scrapbooks or the Pride and Prejudice edition my Grandma gave me.  If the former then I would take the complete works of Jane Austen, (Ha! 7 books in 1!) Harry Potter, and Uprooted!


4) Why did you start a book blog?

It was really just a whim.  I had been writing reviews on Goodreads and stumbled across a review that had a link to a blog post and I thought it was something I might like to do too!

5) What was your last 5-star read and why?

The Queen of Nothing! And because it was amazing!


6) What’s a destination you want to visit because of a book you read?

Scotland! Because Scottish romances are my favorite!

7) If you could read any book again for the first time, which book would it be and why?

Pride and Prejudice because I would love to be surprised and taken in all over again.


8) Do you read books in another language? If yes, what language?

I don’t, I only know English and I’m not motivated enough to learn a second language.

9) Which fictional character do you think is most like you?

This one is super tough! There are a lot of characters I want to be like, but very few like me?  Maybe Cath from Fangirl? But my anxiety isn’t nearly as bad as hers and I don’t write, fanfic or otherwise.


10) Which fictional world would you most like to visit or live in and why?

The world of Harry Potter! (Post Voldy, of course)

11) What popular book and/or author do you hate?

Will Ferrell! Oh wait that wasn’t the question.  Ummm I don’t really have a popular book and/or author that I hate? Unless Old man and the Sea or Lord of the Flies count? I hated them but idk if they are really “popular”


Dini’s Questions (Part II)

1) If you could get an ARC of any one of your most anticipated releases, which would it be?

I don’t actually have any anticipated releases right now.  All the books I was looking forward to have recently been released.

2) What is your least favorite book you have read this year?

The Wife.  Psychological thrillers just aren’t really my thing.


3) What is a book or series that you feel is overrated?

The Mortal Instruments.  (Plus the extended universe) Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed these books, but there are just too many of them and I never finished all of them, so I didn’t love them that much.

4) What is a book that you always recommend to everyone?

Pride and Prejudice


5) What is a hyped book you have no interest in reading?

The Handmaid’s Tale.  I know its supposed to be really good, but I just don’t have any desire to read it.


6) What is a movie/TV show location that you want to visit IRL?

I really want to visit Scotland! I’m sure I could find a movie set there haha but I am being lazy.

7) It’s a dark and stormy winter’s night. What book would you curl up beside the fire to reread?

Pride and Prejudice


8) Would you only check out books from libraries or buy all your books new for the rest of your life?

Buy all my books.  I used to use the Library all the time growing up, but as an Adult I haven’t been to a library in years and just buy all my books. (Tho I admit I should probably start going to the library again!)

9) What’s your favorite time of the day to to read?

Late at night. From like 10pm-1am

10) Best bookstore you’ve visited?

Powell’s in Oregon! Its the best bookstore ever!!!


11) If you could have dinner with three authors who would they be and why?

Is it weird if I don’t want to have dinner with any authors? I would be too awkward and anxious to enjoy it.

Nen & Jen’s Questions

1) What was the first book you really obsessed over?

Harry Potter! Me and my best friend, Alyissa totally obsessed over it together


2) Which book was your last 1-Star rating?

First and Only Destiny


3) Name your ultimate (specific) book + food/drink pairing

Pride and Prejudice and a warm cup of my Jane Austen inspired Tea!


4) Do you ever read a book without reading its synopsis?

Yes! The last one was Sherwood and I loved it. I don’t do this a lot, but a Robin Hood retelling I don’t need to read the synopsis.

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5) What is your favourite type of blogging post?

I like weekly memes, and posts with lots of pictures and/or gifs.

6) What is your least favourite book trope?

Love Triangles. Yuck!

7) Who was your favourite childhood author?

J.K. Rowling


8) Do you like to write or only like to read?

Only read.  I have no desire to become a writer, though I do enjoy Blogging

9) If you could turn any book in to a film, which would it be?

Hmmm well, Pride and Prejudice is already a movie and a TV series, so I will have to go with Uprooted.  But only if it is done right!!


10) What genre do you wish you could read?

Probably more contemporary? I like contemporary when I do read it but I hardly ever want to read it.

11) What made you decide to get in to book blogging?

It was really just a whim.  I had been writing reviews on Goodreads and stumbled across a review that had a link to a blog post and I thought it was something I might like to do too!

My Questions:

  1. Do you ever read a book without reading its synopsis?
  2. What was the first book you really obsessed over?
  3. What is the best bookstore you’ve visited?
  4. What is a hyped book you have no interest in reading?
  5. If you could read any book again for the first time, which book would it be and why?
  6. What is the best book you have read so far this year?
  7. What is the worst book you have read so far this year?
  8. Do you prefer Plot-Based or Character-Based stories?
  9. What is the oldest book you have read?
  10. What is your favorite book cover (or a recent read that you absolutely loved the cover)?
  11. How do you pick your next read?

My Nominations:

As always, don’t feel obligated to participate! If you do, let me know so I can check out your answers!

12 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award (XIII, XIV, and XV)

  1. Congrats on the tag! And yeah for The Queen of Nothing- I need to read that (well, the first two first, obviously, then that). I keep saying that and never seem to get to Holly Black, argh.

    Great questions!


  2. I absolutely loved your answers, Brittany! We are so so similar, you and I haha Scotland is one of my favorite places (okay, I can’t say the whole of Scotland coz I’ve only been to Edinburgh but that’s certainly one of my all time fave places)! And so much Pride & Prejudice in this post alone and I’m LIVING FOR IT 😍😍😍 And going to Powell’s is on my bucket list! I want to visit that bookstore so badly… Lol one day, I hope!


  3. I have not read Queen of Nothing yet. Target canceled my order!! 😡😡😡 then I was dumb and put it on my Christmas list bc the library already had a ton of holds. 😭


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