
First Quarter Wrap Up – 2020

Hi all! I can’t believe we are a quarter of the way through 2020 already! Its been crazy, but I think Louis sums it up pretty well:


I wrote earlier this year about cutting back, and as part of that I decided to do a quarterly update instead of a monthly update.

Books Read:

Annotation 2020-04-09 130931

Ten books isn’t great for three months, but I am okay with it. Like I mentioned before I am cutting back on reading and blogging, and I am enjoying both more now, so its worth it!

Also here is my books read tracker for 2020 and I am super proud of it:

IMG_4137 (1)

Currently Reading:

I’ve actually already finished Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl but I finished it yesterday so it will go in the next quarter’s wrap up!

Non-Review Posts:

I can’t believe I have only written 6 non-review posts in the last three months! And half of those were OwlCrate Unboxing posts! Oh well, it is what it is.


  • My dogs Belle and Temperance got into a fight on December 31st, and Temperance needed a staple in her ear.
  • My sister and I hosted a roaring 20s themed New Years party and it was a blast!
  • I sprained my ankle on January 4th and it is still bugging me.
  • My dad and I drove Belle out to Oregon to live with my Uncle (She is doing great there!)
  • I started dating a guy named Aaron!!
  • I went Axe Throwing!
  • I cut 10 inches off my hair
  • I went on a triple date with my sister, my brother, and their dates.
  • My brother and I bought a giant Lego set off of Facebook. Its over 50 different sets mixed together.
  • My work decided to have us all work from home a couple days before the country started shutting down for quarantine.
  • All my sports (I was playing 5 nights a week) got cancelled due to the Corona virus

Overall these months have has some major ups and major downs but overall its been a really good year so far! The whole world being on lockdown has been super weird, but I have been able to stay in close contact with my family, and we are all safe and healthy.  I’m also super lucky because I can work from home and am considered an essential employee.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy, and having a good 2020 so far!

31 thoughts on “First Quarter Wrap Up – 2020

  1. It sounds like you have had a lot of positives this year. Good luck with Aaron. I am glad you are keeping healthy and are lucky to be able to work from home. I hope this ends soon and we can all give our loved ones a huge hug. Take care of yourself Brittany.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 😀 haha I tried like 4 different step-by-step instructions till I found one I liked (doing test drawings on scrap paper) then when I found one I liked I did it really lightly in pencil first before going over it with a pen 🤣🤣 So I wouldn’t say I can draw a book wither haha. But most of my trackers are lists so those are always a solid choice!


  2. Awww I love your tracker, it is so cute!!! I am glad that cutting back a bit has brought back some love for reading and blogging, I think breaks are so important and honestly? I don’t think a super intense posting schedule necessarily is critical these days. I hope the next 3 months don’t feel like 84 years and that you get some good reads in!

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  3. Oh so you’re dating he? I am happy for you as the world is crazy right now! Axe Throwing seems great! I would love it! And I feel you with all the sport practices being cancelled! I miss my aquaboxing classes even if I go for long walks and do online yoga.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I’m trying! Thanks 😀 Axe Throwing was a lot of fun! Its become super popular here (or at least it was before all this craziness!) I’ve been trying to walk 2-5 miles everyday to offset all the sports I was playing but its just not the same 😦 I should try yoga! Maybe that would help 😀


  4. Wow, I love that you went axe throwing, played with Legos, and are enjoying a new relationship! Also, brave move with the hair — looks terrific. You’re so far ahead of me with the Witcher books!! I have the next three lined up… but just haven’t started yet. Here’s hoping there are more adventures ahead in the next few months!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like a pretty good quarter, if you allow for the craziness that is the world right now. 🙂 The Roaring Twenties party looks amazing! I’m glad you’re able to work from home, and I’m jealous of your haircut. I had been planning on getting mine chopped also… and then the virus shut down everything non-essential a couple of days before I had planned to go to the salon. Oh well. I guess I can celebrate when we get to do non-essential things again by getting my hair cut then!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha it was pretty good! Even with the craziness I am still doing good! Thanks!!! Haha I get my hair chopped every couple of years! Are you doing a big cut or just a clean up? Either way I hope you can get it done soon! And a hair cut is a great way to celebrate haha 🙂


      1. My hair grows pretty fast, so I don’t usually bother with clean-up cuts. I want to get it chopped — close to 12 inches! 😀 Hopefully soon, though I don’t want to go out too early and put anyone at risk, either.

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  6. Looks like you had some good reads this quarter! My reading has been so down but I’m hoping it will rebound at some point lol.

    Glad you’re able to work from home. that’s huge right now. stay safe and be well!

    That LEGO set sounds awesome. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did!! Haha mine has been down too. You would think that with all this time stuck inside I would read more, but apparently not 🤣🤣

      I am incredibly lucky to be able to work from home! I hoe you are safe and well too ❤


  7. I’m glad you’re having a pretty good year so far. I’m reading a decent amount, but I find blogging to be a struggle sometimes. I just don’t have the motivation with everything going on in the world. I’ve been working from home for 3 weeks now, and probably will for at least another 3 weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Reading is the best part of blogging haha so I don’t blame you for reading more than blogging. Cutting back has been amazing! And thats awesome that you are able to work from home at least. Hopefully this won’t last another 3 weeks, but it is looking like it will 😦


  8. I love your book tracker spread too! I had started bullet journaling (just monthly and daily pages) but I stopped once the quarantine started – I just didn’t have much to keep track of! 🙂 But I am thinking of starting some collections so yours could be an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ❤ I have a monthly calendar in my journal and I created all 12 months at once, and I use that for tracking events and things. Other than those pages, my journal is mostly just lists of things like books I've read. I don't do the conventional monthly/daily pages and I don't do habit trackers haha

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